Edinburgh International Book Festival 2019
Oh Edinburgh Book Festival... you have my heart!

I had been looking forward to visiting the Edinburgh Book Fest since I first heard about it last summer (I know, where have I been?!) and I can honestly say that it went above and beyond everything that I thought it was going to be! Positioned across George Street & Charlotte Square, you'll find two HUGE book shop tents, an assortment of  'event tents', a 'signing tent', a café, a bar, a children's play area... so many places to explore!

The Charlotte Square book shop tent is jam-packed with carefully selected treasures that are moved or swapped around every day so that you always have something new to gaze wistfully over. Note to self:- bring a larger suitcase next year so that you can take more books home! (I didn't even make it into the George St. book tent because I knew I'd find more books that I'd have to begrudgingly leave behind.)

I also loved the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful authors and illustrators that came to the festival to inspire the many book-lovers filling the city. I was very lucky to get a couple of my books signed - Vivian French signed my copy of Hello, Horse (which travelled the full 700-mile round trip with me!) and Morag Hood signed my copy of Colin and Lee, Carrot and Pea (which I bought from the book tent).
I managed to book tickets to two picture book/illustration based events. The events were equally insightful and inspiring for myself as both a picture book enthusiast as well as an educator! The key themes for both events were the power and purpose of illustrations, how illustrations support early and developed literacy skills, and how children can use illustrations to extend their storytelling processes. I walked away from each event feeling very privileged to have listened to the thoughtful authors, illustrators and teachers present, and to have taken on board some genuine revelations that will positively impact my own professional practice in the new school year. Perhaps the details of these events will pop up in another blog post some time...

 (Just some of the picture books that I bought whilst in Edinburgh...)

I also met fellow 'KidsBookstagrammer' Kim (of the @BookBairn blog) while I was there. Of course we chatted about all things books and Edinburgh Book Festival. Her fab bookish blog was actually one of the inspirations that sparked 'The Picture Book Box' into life last year. (Check out her book recommendations - they are ace!)
I hope to make this trip an annual treat because it almost felt like home, being around so many like-minded book worms. My sister and I had such a wonderful time and I am already looking forward to next year's catalogue arriving through my letterbox - so I better start saving now! Here's to the magic of books, and the lifelong wonder that they can fill all of our little world's with ☺
Until next time,
Maxine x

p.s. Keep an eye out for a separate post containing some helpful tips if you ever plan to visit the festival yourself... They're mostly things that I'd like to remember for next year now that I have some experience of the event itself, but hopefully there might be some bits and bobs that you find useful too! 


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