Welcome to The Picture Book Box!

I just wanted to say a big hello to you all and that I'm so happy to be here, sharing some of my favourite stories with you.

I recently heard someone refer to this current era of children's books as 'The Golden Age' of children's literature, and I have to say that I think I agree with them! As a child, I was always enchanted by stories - Harry Potter mostly - and I certainly have fond memories of visiting my local library with my lovely Mum and siblings... But if I look back now, I feel that I never ventured too far from the worlds and characters that I was familiar with: The Jolly Postman; The World of Peter Rabbit; Roald Dahl's Matilda... All of which are still favourites for me I hasten to add, however, when I started working in education almost 10 years ago, my eyes were reopened to the wonders that lie within picture books! I fell head over heels for them. Which is why I've started to spread the word about the vast and varied lands, characters, styles of illustration, languages, themes, emotions, magic and sparkle that can be discovered each time you open a new (to you) book...

So 'Thank You' for joining me on this journey! Let's hope we find some new favourites to explore...

Happy Reading!
Maxine x


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